How to unlock iPhone X

Apple’s newest smartphone ever, named iPhone X (ten), which has created a buzz in the industry for the missing home button and introducing the Face ID recognition system.  How to unlock iPhone X ? As a lucky few who had already got iPhone X hands-on, a couple of review videos are popping out on YouTube, the secrets and mysteries about iPhone X had been unveiled accordingly.


How to unlock iPhone X ?

iPhone X doesn’t feature a ‘Touch ID‘ fingerprint authentication system, but instead checks that your identity is authentic with ‘Face ID‘, which is used to unlock the phone and authorize payments. The entirely full screen is one of the major selling points of iPhone X, it’s not a brandy new idea, actually Samsung has released the “infinity” screen Galaxy S8 earlier this year, it’s not all-screen but really close — with an over 83% screen-to-body ratio. Anyway, in order to get rid of the bottom border and home button to make an all-screen phone, Face ID comes out, to unlock your iPhone X simply open your eyes and stare at the front camera by using infrared and visible light scans to uniquely identify your face. “Unlocking it is as easy as looking at it and swiping up”, just as explained at the launch event, even though the embarassing unlock fail moment has already passed for a month.

Is Face ID really secure?

Apple claims that it will work perfectly in a variety of conditions and extremely secure. Just as Apple said, your face is your secure password, they worked really hard to make sure Face ID can’t easily be spoofed by things like photographs.

One of the frequently asked question is that, is the iPhone X’s facial recognition twin compatible? Mashable did the test with two couples of twins, they seem identical and even relatives would get them mixed up sometimes. Unfortunately, iPhone X didn’t make the exception, it failed to recognize them as well.

What if you shave your beard after registering it with Face ID? Tech Insider did another test to beat iPhone X, after a beard man completed the face scan and set up, shaving his beard and taking off his glasses, iPhone X didn’t recognize him in the very beginning, after 3 trials it finally did its job and unlock the screen without any password confirmation.

How to disable your Face ID when someone force you to unlock your iPhone X ?

When it comes to some unexpected situations, like someone steals your phone and you may glance at it and unlock your iPhone X accidentally, how could you stop this? However, there is a quick way to disable the Face ID function temporarily. Simply press the Volume Up + Volume Down + Side button at the same time to disable Face ID following the manual. You need to press three buttons at the same time but this can be done in one swell swoop by gripping the top half of the iPhone X, and squeezing the top of the device. This tip comes directly from Craig Federighi.


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